Sunday, August 3, 2008

Movie Catch

Went for movie this afternoon. The whole city was damn packed with CARS and PEOPLE due to the several operating occasions in the heart of Kuching. As expected, hot humid air in the afternoon, stuck in jam and NOT surprisingly, Star Cineplex was not packed as usual. Guess MOST of Kuchingites were at these venues:

  • Filling their stomaches at Kuching Festival
  • Watching the Regetta Race
  • Attending the PC Fair

Owell, at least I feel much better going to the not-so-packed cineplex to catch

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

You guys who have yet watch the movie, here's some spoiler. I must admit, it's kinda disappointing. The whole movie is kinda boring. It resembles the plots of the 2 previous movies. (Guess directors nowadays are lazy to think of a fresher idea to make the movies eh) Anyways, i know you guys are thinking, a movie with Jet Li as the Emperor, and Brandon Fraser as the usual role to get rid of Mummies, the story won't be boring right? But guess what, its all going back to square one, changing the characters (villain) BUT keeping the old plot. This sounds kinda yesterday's stuff right? By the way, the movie's only an hour & a half and it seems that the movie is catching up with time like so fast? Crap i mean like the fun & interesting part come and end very soon. Sigh... Ok, guess i've been criticizing all way here. It's up to you to decide whether it's good or bad. Catch the movie and share your reviews with me. And for the record, i think The Dark Knight deserves a thumb up compared to Mr 3 headed dragon a.k.a the Dragon Emperor.

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